These workouts are from moderate to high intensity. We will exercise with our own body weight, TRX belts, balance cushions, rubber bands, weights… There will certainly be no shortage of variety.
We will strengthen the muscles of the whole body, as a result of which you may feel a little pain in the muscles after the first training, but by maintaining consistency, the body will become more resistant and you will only feel better after training.
After a few months, you will notice that the life in general becomes physically much easier: it is easier to climb the stairs, wash your feet while standing on one leg in the shower, lift a child, even though he is already 9 years old, or some heavier box, etc.
We recommend choosing these workouts for people who do not have pains, inflammations, or injuries, who have played sports before, but physiotherapists will really take care of enthusiastic beginners.
Užsiėmimus veda: Agnė Ginevičiūtė, Gabrielė Molevičiūtė, Regina Klingerytė, Rasa Batulevičiūtė, Ernesta Kavaliauskaitė, Lina Batulevičiūtė
Užsiėmimai vyksta: pirmadieniais 07:00, 12:00 ir 18:15, penktadieniais 07:00 ir 12:00, antradieniais 08:15, 12:00 ir 19:30, ketvirtadieniais 08:15, 12:00 ir 19:30, trečiadieniais 07:00, 16:30 ir 18:15, šeštadieniais 09:00. Žiūrėti pilną tvakaraštį
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