Yoga is as it should be in the Physiotherapy clinic – without “chakras”, “cosmoses”, although Greta leads cosmically well! Yoga is low to moderate intensity, gentle, we have given up aggressive asanas that can cause injures. We will start the class with breathing exercises, warm up all the muscle chains with sun salutations, stretch and strengthen the body with various classical asanas and end with the final shavasana, a meditation that everyone is looking forward to.
Don’t be fooled, it won’t be easy! Many static positions affect the muscles isometrically in various amplitudes, you will feel how the body is pleasantly warmed up. Yoga is suitable for everyone, both beginners and advanced, as there are constantly different variations of asanas from the easiest to the most difficult.
If you are under a lot of stress, can’t relax, sleep awake, have a lot of deadlines at work, yoga is a great way to calm down and feel here and now.
Workouts are led by: Greta Uogelė
Workouts are held: Mondays 19:15, Wednesdays 19:15. See full schedule
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