Beautiful posture

This workout is a mix of responsibly selected exercises to form correct posture. Although the most common complaint is “squatting” or shoulders slumping forward, this is often due to shortened hip muscles or an irregular breathing pattern, so don’t be surprised if the workout begins with hip mobility exercises or diaphragmatic activation.

Of course, the main part of the training will consist of strengthening the abdominal wall, relaxing the chest muscles, and activating the deep spine and upper back.

Already after the first workout, you will feel straighter and more self-confident (maybe it’s a good idea to go to this workout before a date?).

This workout is only for those who want to feel good and look good.

This workout is a mix of responsibly selected exercises to form correct posture. Although the most common complaint is “squatting” or shoulders slumping forward, this is often due to shortened hip muscles or an irregular breathing pattern, so don’t be surprised if the workout begins with hip mobility exercises or diaphragmatic activation.

Of course, the main part of the training will consist of strengthening the abdominal wall, relaxing the chest muscles, and activating the deep spine and upper back.

Already after the first workout, you will feel straighter and more self-confident (maybe it’s a good idea to go to this workout before a date?).

This workout is only for those who want to feel good and look good.

Užsiėmimus veda: Regina Klingerytė

Užsiėmimai vyksta: antradieniais 18:30, ketvirtadieniais 18:30. Žiūrėti pilną tvakaraštį

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Graži Laikysena

Thursday (21st), 18:30
Užimta: 2/12
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Graži Laikysena

Tuesday (26th), 18:30
Užimta: 1/12
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