Lina Batulevičiūtė Sports doctor, Founder

Everyone who knows me knows that my life revolves around sports. I chose my path as a sports doctor for a reason. The desire to improve in sports by just training muscles is not enough – the knowledge gained at the university and hospitals/sports medicine center helped to improve not only as a person, but also to understand how effective sports are.

Sport is my way of life, which I want to infect others with: to teach people how to exercise in a healthy and safe way and to enjoy the benefits of physical activity.

I specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. I apply manual therapy according to Mulligan and Maitland method and dry needling therapy. I perform classic, sports and lymphatic drainage massage.

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Telefonas pasiteiravimui: +37060517546

Vedami užsiėmimai: Strong Body (Who is not sleeping, Excercise Brunch)

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Pratimų Brunch'as

Saturday (23rd), 09:00
Užimta: 1/12
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