Agnė Ginevičiūtė Physical therapist

Physiotherapy and sports have surrounded me since my childhood. I started swimming already in the first grade, but then the paths of life led to rowing, where there was a desire to know myself, how the body works and how to avoid frequent injuries that soured the pursuit of victory.

I am glad that while still at school I had the opportunity to get to know the profession of physiotherapy and to gain experience from professionals in my field who helped me achieve high results.

The desire to help others and learn the tricks of restoring the body prompted me to enroll in the bachelor’s program in physical therapy at the Lithuanian Sports University, and I immediately started working after finishing it. Currently, deepening my knowledge, I am continuing my master’s studies in physical therapy also at the Lithuanian Sports University.

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Friday (22nd), 12:00
Užimta: 5/12
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Monday (25th), 07:00
Užimta: 0/12
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Stiprus Kūnas

Monday (25th), 12:00
Užimta: 0/12
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Tuesday (26th), 08:15
Užimta: 1/12
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Wednesday (27th), 12:00
Užimta: 11/12
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